Tips and Articles

Freelancing as a Copywriter

Freelancing as a Copywriter

Marketing is a growing industry especially because it drives revenues to business investments, whether big or small. Many companies have grown through proper marketing strategies in all platforms. It uses all platforms of the media, which include TV, radio, print blog...

Freelance Writing Challenges

Freelance Writing Challenges

When it comes to freelance writing, different challenges abound, every freelance writer can attest that the road to success in this field is not smooth. However, there is no challenge that not insurmountable. It does not matter whether you are a beginner or a pro in...

Ethics in Freelance Writing

Ethics in Freelance Writing

The ethics debate is very emotive, and it touches on everything, including freelance writing. Some writers wonder if it is ethical to be a freelance writer. This is a scion of some unscrupulous behavior exhibited by some freelance writers who do taint the good name of...

Charging Per-Hour in Freelance Writing

Charging Per-Hour in Freelance Writing

Now you have been going through numerous business listings looking for freelance gigs, and you land one solid prospect. What do you do? If you are a serious and stereotypical sales type and a wont-take-no-for-an-answer person, you will pick up your phone and call them...

Building Your Brand as a Freelance Writer

Building Your Brand as a Freelance Writer

When it comes to freelance writing, whether you know you have the skills or you just bumped into this field, it is something that is exciting to start. However, it does not mean the road will be smooth. When you become a freelance writer, building your portfolio is...

Becoming a Freelance Writer For The Wrong Reasons

Becoming a Freelance Writer For The Wrong Reasons

This one is for you who want to become a freelance writer. Do you know why you want to go down that road? This is a question that many wannabe writers need to ponder to because there is a lot of uncertainty and problems that awaits you if you delve into this field for...